Wednesday 20 November 2013

Presentation Research

I made a questionnaire on microsoft word to take round to the level 3 media students (the level above mine) and I asked them the obvious questions about cosplay. Asking what their gender was, what their age was, if they knew what cosplay is, would they like to know about cosplay if they didn't, what their favourite form of anime was (e.g. Manga, Games, films etc), did they make their own costumes, and what their occupation was. I asked all the level 3 media students and not just the ones that knew about anime to get fair results. If I were to only ask the people that knew about anime or cosplay, then it would be biased and unfair.

The reason I chose to give out a questionnaire was because it was easy to put together, easy for people to fill it out and easy to gather information such as how many females liked anime and how many didn't, and how many males knew about cosplay and how many didn't. This also gives me a fair idea of an age group that like anime and those that don't like it. As well as that, the questionnaire also tells me that most preferred TV programs over games etc.

I printed out around ten or fifteen copies of this questionnaire and then handed them out. The picture below is what the questionnaire looked like when answered.

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