Thursday 13 February 2014

Task 3 - Question 3

What tasks did you carry out from start to finish? Create a Power Point documenting (Pre Production/Production/Post Production)

Prezi link for cosplay

The following link will go to the prezi I made for my documentary showing primary research, secondary research, quantitative research, qualitative research, and my conclusion.

Prezi for cosplay

Monday 10 February 2014

Task 3 - Question 4

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your final product?

One strength of my final product is that NO archive footage has been use on the video, it is only my filming and my pictures that are featured. Everything in the video has been filmed and taken by me. Only the background music isn't mine which I have already disclaimed on.

Another strength of my final product is that it I asked a verity of people three questions. I didn't stick to just one person, I asked five different people the same three questions so that it was fair and so that I could get different opinions.

The last strength of my final product would be that it was creative. In between interviews, I put footage of the Doki Doki Festival and pictures that I took at a later date. Then using the pictures and video's to make the documentary seem more happy and also to let the viewer see what sort of environment cosplayers are in and how they dress.

One weakness of my final product would have be that I didn't ask more people. I should have asked more to get more views or opinions on why people cosplay, what they think cosplay is, and if they cosplayed. This would have helped my documentary to be longer.

The second weakness of my final product would be that I could have gathered more footage to prolong the documentary. Allowing me to get more of the surroundings in.

The last weakness of my final product would have to be that the intro needs to be more thought through.

Task 3 - Question 1

How successful if your product compared with your original idea?

The finished product I have now compared to my original idea has been very successful because I expected to use more archive footage rather than gather the decent amount of footage I have that I recorded on my own. When I had my original idea, I thought I would have to use footage that people had gathered off YouTubes themselves because there wasn't enough conventions at the time (There was only the Doki Doki Festival and I was concerned that I hadn't gotten enough footage). But I quickly sorted that problem out by arranging a Cosplay/Photo Shoot meet with the many Cosplay friends I had made at the Doki Doki Festival. they agreed to me using their photo's as part of my coursework and allowed me to put it into my Documentary video that is now on YouTube. If I would have used archive footage in my video and not the footage I have now, then it would have brought my marking down as it wasn't MY footage. This is the weakness of that idea. The strength of the idea would have been that it might have looked more professional and better surroundings.

 The video below is my documentary.

Social Network Feedback

For this, I posted my video to friends online to see what they thought of it and then I posted the link onto my FaceBook profile to see what everyone that I had on my friends list thought of it so that I could get enough feedback. When I showed them, I was on a group Skype call to see what their opinion would be and they all said it was really good and that it was well made. Unfortunately, hearing them say this instead of it being in writing makes it harder because I don't have the evidence that they have said this. So I will ask them to send me a message on what they thought about it, then I will have the evidence of their opinion in writing.

Video Responses

The following videos are Video responses with me asking what they thought about my video and how I could improve it. Anything that they say during the question "how could I improve it?" I will listen to and take as advice for the next time I make a Documentary.

Monday 27 January 2014

Research For Creative Media Production.

The Subject I have chosen to research for this assignment is going to be about Cosplay. This will be a Documentary and the format of this (the way it is styled/filmed as) will be similar to the following link but will have different questions. I will conduct this Documentary by attending a Cosplay Event that only comes around every two years; This Event is called Doki Doki.
Doki Doki will take place at the Sugden Sports Center, 114 Grosvenor Street, Manchester, M1 7HL on Saturday 9 November 2013, 9am till 7pm that day.

                                     Google Map of the Sugden Sports Center (Birds eye view).

                         Another Google Map of the Sugden Sports Center (The front of the building).

Doki Doki celebrates both traditional and modern Japanese Culture and has a variety of things that includes  the Japanese Culture such as Foods, Mythology and among all of the other subjects that the Doki Doki event covers, Cosplay. The Cosplay community has progressed throughout the years due to lots of reasons but the love and passion for Japan being one of the most important reasons. Doki Doki had its first event on Sunday 13 November 2011, it attracted 1,600 visitors from different parts of the United Kingdom. This years Doki Doki event (Saturday 9 November 213) will be the second time it has been hosted. The picture below is the official Doki Doki logo/banner.

I will interview the people attending Doki Doki and some people that aren't attending Doki Doki so that it isn't a biased interview (e.g. interviewing people that don't go to the event, people in the Town Center or near the building, to explain what Cosplay is and see their point of view on it). I will do this by asking individual attendee's separately or in a group if they wish. However, if the interviewee/attendee doesn't want an interview then I will accept their choice and move on to another person to interview. The age group (The age of the person I'm asking) doesn't have to be specific because their are many people that attend this event that are below the age of 9 and above the age of 30. If the Interviewee doesn't mind, I will still ask their age.

I have searched the internet to see if I could find some archive material (evidence that it has been hosted before), and to my surprise I have found many videos on YouTube; Some on discussions on Japan as a country, some as random acts (e.g. a video of people either Role-playing their character or just messing about in their Cosplay), some of Bekii Cruel dancing, and some of the Cosplay Competition. As an attendee for last years event, I can safely say that Doki Doki is one of my favorite community events. There are many events such as MCM (Movie Comic Media) Comic Con, Kitacon, and many more. The link is evidence of Doki Doki's event last year; it has been filmed on a mobile phone by a few Cosplayer's that had attended the event in 2011. Doki Doki event in 2011